My ds is 8 years old (just turned Nov. 30). Last year we homeschooled and he completed Abeka 3rd, 4th, and part of 5th grade math. This was done when age wise he was a 1st grader. This year we chose to put him into a virtual public school. They allowed him to grade skip to 3rd but he had to start with 3rd grade math. Thankfully this school allows him to work at his pace in math. He finished 3rd grade math and we are about 1/2 way finished with 4th. It is slow goings b/c he has to do every lesson, unit and semester assessment. He should finished in about a month and start 5th grade math which after looking at the topics there may be only a couple of units that will be new.

He reads anything he wants to with full comprehension. Currently he is also doing an online science program where he can move between 3rd-12th grades but prefers to stay in the 7th-12th grade levels.

The only area in which he is weak is writing. And this isn't b/c he can't tell stories. He can dicate to me a 3-5 page story, great details and vivid imagination. He just can't get it from his head to the paper. I also think the muscles in his fingers are weak.

So, we figured if he can read anything, science at a high level and math 3-4 grades above age level that he would be a great candidate for DYS. We only needed the scores. He did take the WPPSI at 4 years 2 months and scored a 130 but the tester said that his score would have been higher but he wouldn't do the easy questions only the harder ones.

So, we had ds re-tested using the WISC-IV and WIAT-II this past September. Here are his scores:

Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) 121
Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) 127
Working Memory Index (WMI) 113
Processing Speed Index (PSI) 94
Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) 120
Reading 122
Mathematics 119
Oral Language 134

So, I don't understand why he can be so advanced in his academic studies, be gifted when he was 4 and now not be gifted at all. How can he be working 3-4 grades ahead in math and higher in science but only have a FSIQ of 120. This just doesn't make any sense.

Can anyone explain or direct me to someone who can? I'm just at a lost and I don't know what to do.

Thank you