I hate public school. Even the "good" ones. I asked my daughter today if she wanted to be home-schooled and she said "no". *Sigh*

The latest thing with our very nice teacher is that DD8 has to learn addition and subtraction facts before the end of the year. Teacher is complaining that she isn't learning them fast enough which is all well and good. But DD8 now thinks she is not good at math (this from a girl who scored in the 98th percentile on her non-verbal Cogat). I explained to her that speed and intelligence have nothing to do with each other.

Then our teacher said "And also she wants to do, what she wants to do." I tried a brave smile and said I had talked to the gifted teacher about this "problem" and that it is a hallmark of gifted students.

I DO feel for the teachers, I really do. But when you put so much time into dealing with your gifted child, and then having to smooth things over with the teacher, who doesn't seem all that thrilled that your child IS gifted.....

*Sighs again*