DD 3 has asked Santa for flags: United States and Texas flag. LOL she is our odd child. Really don't know where she will put them but she was very specific.

The other item she wants is a clock for her bedroom.

We also have bought her the Quadrilla Marble Railway which I know she will love because she plays with one every time she is in the toy store. I have hesitated to buy it because it costs a fortune in the stores but I got one for a steal. I literally paid $15 for one through a closeout website for designer brands. Score! I also found some other great deals on Haba brand toys.

The other big present she will get this Christmas is An American Doll 'Juanita' which we bought this summer while in NYC. Probably won't be her favorite present.

We are still debating a telescope since she is/has been fascinated with the heavens. We have a smaller cheaper one but it is unstable and hard to stay tracked which becomes frustrating for all of us.