Right now her social life is very limited. We recently moved to a smaller town (pop. 414) and she has had trouble getting along with the kids here. She had a good friend where we used to live, and we try to have that girl over a couple times a month for a night or 2. I had just started getting her into activities in the larger town nearby- church youth group, ice skating, and such but my van broke down so we are stuck here for awhile.

Transportation is a major issue in getting her involved in activities. She would love to volunteer at an animal shelter and I found a few that would allow her to come in and help, but it'll have to wait.

When I'm at work she usually sits on the computer and watches anime. If I give her assignments to do when I'm gone they don't get done properly. I usually only work a couple days a week outside the home so I'm not gone all day every day.

Her SPD issues have gotten worse with age. I wonder sometimes if some of it isn't just her being contrary. The ADHD hyperactive stuff has improved drastically. She was on medication several years ago for awhile and it was a horrible experience. We won't do that again.

She has lots of ideas and I encourage her to keep an "idea notebook" to write them down to follow up on later. She isn't really interested though, and keeps thinking that because she is a kid her ideas aren't worth much.

She's mostly interested in playing Nintendo and watching TV all day. (Not that I let her, but if I have to work thats what she does)

I'll read the book you suggested- and might be able to get her to read it. Usually if I read the first few chapters to her she'll go on to finish a book smile

During the summer she would play with her friend and other neighbor kids and go to the outdoor community pool.

I know that until I can get reliable transportation a lot of options are limited.

Thanks for your support- just having a place to talk about this stuff is helpful smile