I believe this is a phrase by Grinity and I think my son has this problem big time. It's when everything is 'too easy or too hard' and that's it. His teacher is working with me (yeah!) to find a fit for him in a one year accelerated program. He had been coming home angry and frustrated with the lack of learning for him and then getting stomach aches etc. I met with his teacher yesterday and she said that she was seeing him 'check out' if he thought he knew the infomation and then not participate much after that. She then pretested him today on the rest of the unit and he does indeed already have it covered. Then she tried to give him a multilayered math challenge and he just balked. 'It's too hard, I can't do it' and he was tearful later. She really thought he could if he just thought about it for a bit, but he didn't even want to try. I've seen this pattern in other areas but I think we need to work through it and I don't know how. I would love to hear how others have dealt with it. Thanks all!