Personally, I think redshirting is a mistake even for most non-gifted kids (summer birthday boys included) within the framework of the current public education system, which tends to discourage advancement beyond age group, and I find "socially mature enough for kindergarten" to be an oxymoron.

As a practical matter, in a typical public school, while it's easy to hold back it can be very difficult to be allowed a grade skip, even to get back to the child's original age group, let alone to accelerate above that.

Mostly, I would not want to sacrifice my child's academic progress, sow the seeds for underachievement, and have him graduate a year later from high school merely to make some kindergarten teacher's job easier. Moreover, I'd rather give the child the opportunity to rise to the occasion - it's hard to predict when huge leaps in development will occur.

An article:

Here's a related thread: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....mic_red_shirting_are_they.html#Post44250

that's my two cents smile

Last edited by snowgirl; 11/22/09 01:48 PM.