His teacher says that as he is already well ahead academically, she will not have enough to keep him busy next year so he willhave to move on to kindergarten but we can think about keeping him another year in KG.

When I asked DS if he finds the school work easy or difficult, he said easy and my gut says No about redshirting.

he is already going to full-day pre-K and we have been thinking of testing him, possibly next summer when he turns 5.

What you wrote about your son is what I fear. I sense he is already a bit bored. His teacher did not mention about any meltdowns but said he is more interested in correcting\seeing what other kids are doing rather than doing his own work. At the sametime she also said that he is very focused when he is challenged. Other thing she mentioned is that once he has set his mind on what he wants to do, it is difficult to change his mind and yes she said he is very competitive and that sometimes refelects negatively. She also mentioned about inattention in the class but at the same time also said that he is very bright academically and if he is not paying attention does not mean he is not learning. He sometimes forgets to use his words like saying excuse me instead would use his hands to side the other kids, however at home he always uses "excuse me", "please", "thank you" so I am confused.

In order to correct the existing issues, we don't want to introduce new ones and thats my concern with red-shirting. If he has not been doing great academically, the decision would have been easy.

Grif, he is already going school full-day and thats not an issue, the issue is to challenge the teacher and inattention. and we are not sure if keeping him back another year would help or harm.