mnmom23 - wow, your DS sounds a lot like mom...I had to laugh when you said he raises his hand and says irrelevant things. My DS recently went through a stage at school where when the teacher called on him he would say "peanut butter and jelly sandwich." He thought it was hilarious! Of course the others thought it was humorous at times too. When I went in to volunteer for a party the other day I would have to guess that he would have to have been in the top 5 of most behaved students. He didn't do anything really out of the norm at all...and the other kids were pretty wild and immature. While I completely acknowledge my DS is immature at times, I also think that because he skipped K and he is the way he is, they tend to watch him more and then see him doing dumb things. Thankfully he has a lot of great things that they see that balance him out. The kids didn't at all seem to shy away from my DS when I observed.

I also know what you mean about teachers commenting on behaviors. Sometimes it is helpful, but sometimes it really isn't. During a conference DS's teacher mentioned that the kids notice that he is smart, but are picking up on his behavior and that another girl said to the teacher the other day "if he is so smart, why does he doe those things." The teacher says that she told the girl "good question, I don't know" I don't always know either, but it annoys me that the implication is that he can't be all that smart if he behaves that way. He is a year younger, and he is being silly and is not completely challenged, that is a big part of it.

Anyhow, this week has been much better with behaviors, the more they seem to challenge him the better the weeks seem to be. I am hoping it continues in that pattern. Although, all the challenging in the world is not going to take away the fact that he is 5 and will still act silly sometimes.