Originally Posted by shellymos
About calling the school, I don't know. I think I am going to hold off. I may mention it to his teacher though. We will see. I really am starting to think that DS said the principal said that because that is how he was feeling. But I could be wrong. I will attempt to broach the subject at breakfast and see.

I think that this is a great way to 'broach' the subject with the Principle. It has the advantage in that you truly don't 'get' what is going on, and can be in the position to be asking for clarification and help. You're 'just' calling to get an confirmation on if he is accurately reporting or fibbing. Kids this age make up all sorts of wild stories - so you won't look strange. Count my DS as one of those ones while 'far out' ideas, that he pursued, especially when underchallenged.

My least favorite was when he taped his mouth shut in 2nd grade. He says that the teacher had threatened to do that to him. I was sure that he was fibbing. Her comment? 'Well, I never really would have!'

Part of it is certainly that when a Highly Gifted child chooses to 'act out' they do it in a Highly Gifted way - so they might be unusually clever in what they try. Sadly for my son, it became part of his internal picture of himself. For boys, it's particularly important that they have a 'title.' There isn't a lot of nuanced thought about being a multifaceted individual with strengths and challenges, even for most gifted boys, at this age. So Shelly, I'm worried that he is behaving badly, but I'm more worried that he might adopt the internal'title' of 'Mr. Unpredictable stir thing up-er'


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