Dottie -
I think your IAS post would be really, really important!

I've been watching a while now, and I honestly think that one of the reason it's working is because your lapper is the opposite gender of his older siblings. Another part could be the sort of 'obviousness' of the situation. I think it would be harder if the Lapee was almost as extreame, and not also not getting their needs met in their current classroom. Also I think most females, because we can multitask, are better at seeing multiple sides to situations than our little males, so they make better lapees. Kids who are into their social scene make better Lapee candidates. Plus you have a nice family, full of nice kind people.

One aspect that I'm unsure about is that your Lapper is gifted in a way that is more similar to his parents, while your Lappees have gifts from farther afield. If the older one was a chip off the old block, would that make breaking the ISA harder or easier?

LOL - Can you write it as a questionair, full of 'add a point if's? That way it can be informative, and funny at the same time.

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