Hi Grinity, just noticed your question. Last month we had a face to face that didn't go much better. The principal and 3rd grade teacher were great. DD8 likes the teacher in question, though, and wants to stay in the class. We haven't had any more test issues, other than they feel the need to keep giving her more tests.

After all the Hupla, her progress report was good, report cards this week. Judging from the weekly grades that come home, the grade may be a little lower but I didn't write everything down. When I try to ask the teacher if there are any issues, I get the feeling she just sees me as another pushy obnoxious parent (maybe I am-who knows) and to leave her alone. My intention is to ask questions and make sure that after all of the hupla last month that I help reinforce any issues that DD8 may have in class with attention or whatever at home.

I do think the DD8 is challenged learning the new processes in 4th grade, testing, having to read the questions, and not having cues from someone to check her work. Learning that checking your work is important since if you miss 1 out of 6 your grade is significantly lowered. Most of her errors have been due to being careless and mis-reading versus learning new material.

The latest email from the teacher in question was fairly terse but said she is doing fine. The latest development was that the school wants to give 4th grade benchmarks instead of 3rd grade. Initially they told me they would benchmark with the 3rd graders to ensure nothing was missed for end of year testing.