Hugs. We're in a similar boat. DD8 started math acceleration last week. We had no idea of the routine since we missed the meet the teacher for 4th grade. She absolutely froze on a pre-test (for various reasons-long story) and attempted none of the questions. On Tues when I finally talk to the teacher thinking I will be having a discussion about test anxiety, I hear but they only learn place value to the hundreds in 2nd grade. We do millions, please. Now if you told me she can't spell millions I would agree. She also keeps telling me about the plan for "THEM" based on a first pre-test and that they are supposed to learn to take tests in 3rd grade. I'm sure my manner on the phone irritated her because when I asked who "THEM" was I got told she could not discuss other children. So I pointed out that she had said "THEM". I later found out that "THEM" was the two 3rd grade accelerated students (we are friends with the other girl). Everyone at school seemed in favor of the acceleration (and both girls were thoroughly tested), but we hadn't met the 4th grade teacher. I hope a face to face helps.

Anyways, I never thought I would be the parent having to have talks at school about why after a child was so stressed about a test they would come back and two days in a row give her more tests...............DD8 doesn't like surprises. Now she assumes she could get a test at anytime. She at least seems to love this teacher.