Well, I got a response from DD's teacher today. Only one typo--"your" instead of "you're" and some questionable grammar, but I'm not going to nitpick. ;-)

She's offering to give DD more challenging classroom work, and extra homework, but only after she's completed the regular assignments. Somehow, I don't think DD's going to be wild about this solution, but we'll see how it goes.

I'm going to try to wait until after conferences (first week of Nov.) to broach the idea of testing out of units and/or moving up a grade in math, since I think she'll have a better sense of DD's level by then. Plus, I think DD will have completed the EPGY 3rd grade math program by then anyway.

She also said she wants to recruit a parent volunteer to run a special advanced math program in her class for kids who are interested, so hopefully I can help her out there.