I'm listening to the audio version know. I thought the gifted stuff was interesting. However, I did have this reaction that was like "not my kid" and "he scores are just to high for this to apply to her."

I'm on the part know about the preschool/kindergarten that promotes executive function. I wish my 2E kiddo had had an opportunity like that!

DD's school has added NurtureShock to their parenting lending library, which is in the lower school lobby. So Its prominently displayed. I know a lot of the teachers and admins read it over the summer as a book club.

On the other hand, the religious education director of our church refuses to read it because of what she read about the race stuff in a Newsweek review. This seems like a very immature response to me. I think the book questions so many of our assumptions that anyone looking after children should read it. I thought as grown ups we could read stuff and decide for ourselves what to believe.

I'm convinced that dd's school and our church will never agree on anything. Blah.

Warning: sleep deprived