Thanks, inky. That was an interesting article. I thought it was fascinating that the Tools of the Mind kids go through "Make-Believe Play Practice � with the teacher leading the children, step by step, through the mechanics of pretending," because more than once I've invited a kid over hoping they would engage in imaginative play with DS4, only to discover that the other kids didn't have any clue how to pretend.

I think part of the problem is that young kids don't have enough time alone with each other these days. It frustrates me to no end that I'm still expected to accompany DS4 on his playdates and that parents/caretakers insist on being in the room where the kids are playing, so they can constantly supervise and intervene. I was even on one playdate where an adult lectured the kids for starting a game of cops and robbers because "robbers are good people too--just people who made bad decisions in life." Pretend pirate play was similarly squelched. Talk about sucking the fun out of childhood! OK, I'm done ranting now.