Originally Posted by JDAx3
I think that DS hasn't really liked school for so long that even he doesn't remember what it's like to enjoy it. Anything related to school is a big turn-off to him right now. I think that he feels that he spends all this time at school, and doing homework, and doing GT stuff, and doing extra required things at school that other kids and teachers think are fun, but he just doesn't. DH brought home a book for DS the other day (8000 Things to Know or something like that, DS has always enjoyed encyclopedia type books) and he was really excited. Over the next couple of days, all we heard were the various facts and things he'd learned while perusing the book. It wasn't required reading and I saw DS really excited about it - and learning!! As opposed to all the stuff he has to do in/with/for school.

This is a very common phenomenon for Gifted Families who start homeschooling. Lots of them plan on a very laid back start 'deschooling' I believe it's called, where there is no plan and no pressure to do anything 'school.' Obviously you are going to want to leave a very 'Almanacs' around, and plan a few trips to the library and field trips, but it may take several months of 'no school' for your son to rediscover that he does actually love to learn. This also has the advantage of giving you plenty of time to observe your son's learning style, favorite topics, talk to him about what he his interest are, and collect possible resources/materials for when you do start schooling again.

Doesn't that sound cool?

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