Interesting...thanks for the mini-update about potential 'problems'. I've been doing some checking into local groups and such, and quite frankly, I'm frustrated. But not for the reasons one would think, wink. In trying to contact people about the groups, I've run into more computer-based hiccups than I care for, LOL. Join this group to find out more info, but the link doesn't work, blah, blah blah. I really have limited patience for these types of things... I'm sure I'll try again, but finding info has been proven challenging.

I was just discussing HSing with an acquaintance here who is considering HSing, as well. So, I'm thinking how nice it would be to have an acquaintance/friend (the kids are also know each other and get along OK) who was doing the same thing, thereby (maybe) eliminating the need to 'join' a group...

I don't know though, still more research to do.