
Our WA edu. link is on my previous post, just follow menu directions above. Because the web pages are dynamically generated per session, I cannot give the link to a final page (I guess same pb. with my very 1st link), so you have to navigate there from the main page.

I might sign her up this weekend, but she has to stick to her part of the deal of work/play time management, and tonight she didn't... I'll let you know if/when I sign her up.

Since the Mindstorms robot kit is rated 12+ yo, and there are so many other things I am trying to have her do, I was going to wait until she's at least 8-9 to buy our own set. I was afraid that if she does robot programming first, she would get bored doing more basic stuff like the online engineering course with pulleys and gears, not even a motor included in that Lego ed. pack.

Oh well, maybe we'll get a Mindstorms for xmas 2010, if I can figure out the RCX vs. NXT vs. NXT-G vs. Robolab vs. Labview...


Last edited by MaxPat; 10/16/09 08:55 PM.