A few months ago I was going through this same conflict with DS6. As he gets older the social quirks just get more evident. We also have a lot of the same behavior/bullying issues because DS6 does not seem to have much tolerance and is quick to lash out when things don't go how he planned. We were looking at either an Asperger or NLD diagnosis to explain these behaviors despite the fact that he really didn't meet all the clinical diagnostic criteria for either one.

We actually had a full neuropsychological evaluation done on him at the beginning of the summer. We were told that DS6 is VERY smart and has no other diagnoses at this time except for some mild anxiety and depression. The team that evaluated him recommended continued counseling and some social skills training.

Reading about Aspergers and NLD did help me to understand my son a little bit more and I am still using some of the coping strategies that I read about even though my son does not have the diagnoses.

I am so glad we had the evaluation done. I know I would have continued to worry and have questions that we were not helping my son to the best of our ability.
