Hang in there! It's hard when your friends kids aren't going through the same things.

My son (now 10) also had/has? some sensory issues and was the baby from hell. On the bright side he then became the perfect toddler so maybe you'll be lucky. As others suggested it really helped to use some sign language. I think it helped him communicate what was bothering him. We also used the phrase, "How can I help you?" a lot where he'd respond by dragging us over to whatever he needed.

He too was a lousy napper (the 15 minute ones) (he'd cry forever!). When I really needed him to nap (and I needed it!) I wrap him up like a baby burrito and hold him while I napped along side. He'd cry for about 10 minutes and pass out. Somehow it helped keep him sleeping longer if I was holding him. (Means you won't get much done!) But it might help.

He also had trouble eating solids till about 11/12 months. I agree with others, as long as she's healthy let her figure out the eating. It's a good sign that she'll eat some solids.

Good luck--hope things improve!