I�m kind of at a loss with DD. I�m not really sure what is normal or not so maybe somebody could help me out here? I�ve been wondering lately if she might have some sensory issues but I don�t really understand exactly what is the difference between SPD and overexciteabilities. Also, everything I�ve been reading about SPD says that children hit their milestones late and that is the complete opposite of DD! She�s quite a bit early across the board...

So here are the 'issues'. Taken alone I wouldn�t worry about some of them but I�m wondering if the combination of them all could mean something? Oh, and DD is 9 months old...

HATES sleep. It�s a real struggle to get her to sleep and keep her a sleep. The room has to have background noise, be dark, the perfect temperature, the bed has to be soft, etc.

Still isn�t eating solids. We started trying at 6 months but she refuses them entirely if we try to feed her anything (she gets so stressed out that she will throw up). She will only eat if she puts it in her mouth herself and even then she very, rarely does (pretty much only apples and bread). She definitely has the ability to feed herself, she has a great pincer grasp and can even use a spoon some, but she just refuses.

Very sensitive to textures. Will remove socks, hats, sweaters, pants (well, tries to at least). Screams at diaper changes, screams during baths, screams if she doesn�t like the texture of an outfit etc.

Very highly distractable. Refuses to nurse except in a completely quiet, dark room. Stops the second something/someone moves.

Sensitive in general. Cries if someone is using a "loud" voice or yelling. Same even if someone laughs too hard. Lots of seperation anxiety from early on too. Doesn�t like objects that make jerky movements (like toys that dance around).

Besides all that she is a very happy baby normally. Most people are shocked to find out that she has these problems because she is soooooo social. I have no clue what is supposed to be normal at this age. None of her friends seem to be dealing with this stuff or at least not all at once. I�d appreciate any insights you have!!!!

Oh, and any ideas on how to handle these things???