Hi Newmom21c,
I cringe to hear you are going thru this. I hope you have a support group to lean on. My DD now 3 was/is like this. I was told by the members in my family that I needed to get out with her more so she would adjust to noises and people more. LOL How do you take out a baby who starts screaming the second you leave the house? I used a sling which helped a ton! She didn't eat well and didn't sleep either. My ped told me to stop putting her down for naps (she only slept for 15 mins anyways) at 6 months. I thought he was absurd but I tried it and it worked. She slept for 6 hours straight at night from then on. This was huge! Sign language helped a lot for communication. Both of my kids were signing at 7 mos. I let her touch as much stuff as I could and talk about each item especially the ones that make noise; washing machine, dishwasher, vaccuum, all the various toys, etc. Just talking in general helped calm her down and the sling. laugh

She is now 3 and if she sleeps for 8 hours a night, I am happy.

HTH and hope you get some sleep soon. That is always the hardest part.