I would definitely just give it more time. Sounds like you are doing everything you can to help her transition and I agree with masterofnone - does it really matter who she plays with if she is happy?
It took my DS a good few months to settle into his skip and frienship was the part that took the longest - of course!

He's now six months in and very settled; with friends all over his school by the way (the grade below, the same grade and the grade above).

Very early into the skip, his teacher too made me feel like she was second-guessing the decision for the skip.

Last week, after some test results came back, she whispered in my ear that his results cemented for her that they had definitely made the right decision.

It really does just take time and with the benefit of hindsight -if I could have relaxed more about it and had more faith in my decision I would have saved myself loads of stress.

take care