Hi! I feel your pain and confliction. My DS also skipped K, but he wasn't at pre-k in the school so didn't know any of the kids anyhow. I think he is relating well and making some friends possibly as he prefers older kids...but there still was a question from the teacher about whose decision it was to skip him. She figured he is already ahead of 1st grade curriculum why would it matter if he was in K or first and wanted him to get more help with the social piece of school (not interrupting, raising hand, more independence, walking straight in a line, etc.) Anyhow, it is only the 4th week here and things are improving. But I know that any day he doesn't behave as good I feel a little anxious, even though I do still believe that first is a better fit.

I am glad that first it is a better fit for your DD academically. Is there a way that they could group her with some more kids in her class. My DS went to see a school counselor for a couple days with some other kids that were new to the school. They played games together and got to know eachother better. I wonder if they could group her with some other girls in class that she seems to relate to, to help her work on building those relationships. It may make her feel more comfortable. Even though some kids make friends quickly,it often takes about 6-7 weeks for most of those friendship things to start, so I don't think that is so unusual...plus your DD is used to the kids in K because she spent a year with them. And while it would be nice for her to have some friends in her classroom, I don't think it is a big deal if she wants to play with the K kids outside and work with and play with the other kids inside the classroom. Or I also wonder if she could have some playdates with some kids from her classroom as well. That may help things a little. It's tough. I wish there was a complete fit for social and academics for our kids, but it just doesn't seem to work that way.