This isn't why we're homeschooling, but it is a nice side benefit. Both my kids are "blenders". They both want to be part of the crowd in a group setting. My DS8 constantly seemed to be on the cusp of regular trouble making at school. He is really a mellow, easy going kid as a homeschooler. My 5 year old daughter would come home from preschool crying if the slightest thing went wrong at school socially. I personally felt a lot of stress during my elementary years just trying to fit in.

Anyway, I actually loved the community and parent base of our school, but didn't like all the things I saw on the playground and in the hall way. I had no issue with the teachers or the curriculum except for the fact that my child didn't learn much if anything the 2 years he was there. And if either of my kids wanted to go back to school, I'd search and try to find something that would at least give them a good shot.

My younger child has all the smart mouth my almost 9 year old has though and is definitely more "worldly" than he was as a young 5, just by virtue of being a 2nd child. So I totally agree with CFK! I guess it's not so much about "safety" for us, as it is about them just being safe and comfortable in their own skin.