Safety reasons probably isn't an accurate description, but it's all I could come up with. Has anyone made the decision to homeschool primarily for reasons of safety (or lack thereof) in schools, or social reasons such as exposure to things that are in conflict with your family's....values? I'm not even really referring to curriculum or teaching, but rather from the kids?

Truthfully, I can't say that as of right now, I worry about safety at school, but more as he gets into middle school. The school system here isn't the greatest, but he's got a great teacher this year and I hope he'll have the same good fortune next year.

I guess what I'm feeling is that DS is encountering things that are beyond his years, and to some extent, little pieces of his...innocence are being chipped away. What we feel childhood should be isn't really what it seems some other kids of about the same age are doing. Obviously, what's right for us isn't for everyone else and I don't have a problem with that, but how can I keep my kid from growing up faster than he's ready for if that's where the trend seems to be heading? I don't want him in a box with no exposure to anything, but just the opportunity to be a kid w/o having to worry about things that are beyond his years and that there will be plenty of time for as he grows up.

So, I guess I'm wondering if I'm thinking waaaay out there or if this is something that other people have decided to homeschool for.