Maybe (hopefully!) she learned something @ University about GT? Perhaps you could start with a question about what aspects of GT was covered in school, etc.

I really like Sarah Robbins' blog/site (learned about it here) as it is written by a GT teacher and much seems to be written for teachers (despite the name of the site):

When I sat with our son's most recent teacher, I never even used the 'G' word. I came at it entirely from the perspective of desiring appropriate challenge for him and describing some of the difficulties with accomplishing this is prior years.

The one article I did share (also learned about here) is "What a Child Doesn't Learn":

Definitely start out gently -- it's probably easy to overwhelm, meaning don't show up with the whole internet printed & bound in a folder for her reading pleasure.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz