Good points Grinity. I don't know that the teacher can do anything actually better than the others, but she is keen and has an uncomplicated, small class and it would be nice for her to have the tools she need to understand my son.

I had the meeting yesterday, and decided not to bring the articles in with me, but I read them carefully and used the 'what a child doesn't learn' to help me discuss a few things, in particular with the point about 'learning to learn' which is one of my concerns.

We brainstormed a little bit, and made sure to cover those things that are going well. What I especially liked was that she pulled my son aside before the meeting and had a good talk with him, asking questions and listening to answers. It really helped my son feel listened to.

The next step we agreed was to talk to the Principal about the possibility of subject acceleration & going to a different class. We both need to sit and learn about the process with this. I'm not actually optimistic, though. The Principal has a reputation for not wanting to rock the boat, even it is just a potential ripple.