Originally Posted by Min
In the past, teachers have all agreed something was needed, come up with good ideas, but I have seen little evidence that anything has been followed through.

Hi Min,
I would encourage you to ask questions and listen and 'build relationship' at this stage. You can also drop of the artiles with a 'other teachers have told me that they found this really helpful in understanding my son' comment.

But - my question is - why would you expect this new teacher to be any better or different that what you have gotten in the past? Are you in communication with the school administration? It isn't fair to expect the current teacher to solve multigrade problems of long standing, although gaining her as an ally is important.

Remember the old joke about the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Not that I'm implying that you are doing the same thing over and over, just be ready to move beyond what the classroom offers, ok?


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