Inky - I also find that at times, about once per year, DS goes about as dull as a nail...I think his neurons undergo reorganization in preparation for a big leap. I think we're in one of those periods lol. Oddly, my DS6 is also going through the same thing...maybe something in the water! Over a year ago, I'd give him 8+7 and he'd say, "well 5+5+3+2 so 10+5, 15!" now it's like "uh uh 8+7." Based on a conversation he had with DS9 in the car yesterday, he is undergoing a shift in thinking similar to DS9. DS6 said, "Everything at school was too easy, now (1st year HSing) it's hard." Last week he attended an archeology lecture w/ DS9 on the Ancient Aztecs and confessed he only understood parts of it. The class is taught to a high level and I was pleased at punch that he took home SOOOO much from it but he felt like he didn't understand much.

But yes I do need to re-read DMT!