
I'll leave the testing questions to the experts.

I'm curious how you skipped into pre-algebra. I"ve always had the same issue w/ my DS. He was in public school for K-2 and HS'd for 3rd and this year. I do skip ahead to dabble in linear equations which he gets and other fun math topics, but he still needs that solid foundation in computation (he is HATING 3digitx2digit multiplication right now). My son is a concept wise but sometimes hates the details. Was your son at a computation and that allowed you to skip so much computation?

Well my take is that he's gifted at math. Yes some kids are globally gifted (gifted in all areas) but I think many if not more kids are gifted in one area. I think you have non-gifted kids performing a grade above grade level b/c of interest and exposure to the topic, but 4-5 grade levels? I'm not sure about that. You have to look at him for each area. Particularly if you're HSing. Let him fly w/ math. If he's grade level for writing, he's grade level for writing. If he's 2yrs ahead in science, he's 2yrs ahead in science. If he's a year behind in spelling, meet him where he's at.

Oh and what pre-algebra program did you decide to use?

Also, how about a MOEMS problem solving book? Zaccaro books? So instead of heading into algebra, go deeper in problem solving?
