Originally Posted by Kriston
And if you stop feeling defensive, a funny thing happens: they stop sensing that they've found a weak point and the assaults stop.

I think this is true. I was a bit nervous starting to homeschool in our neighborhood where there is so much love for the neighborhood school. But my approach to talking about it has always been very laid back ("this works with our lifestyle right now", "it's great being able to travel off season", "it's either this or I'm working a real job"). If people push, I do get into more the actual nuts and bolts of why we choose the path we did. GT issues brought us down this road of homeschooling initially, but many other amenities help keep us here for now.

I think the proof is in the pudding. Your child is your best advocate! I've had several skeptics talk to DS8 for a couple minutes and be on board. My father initially thought we were crazy, but now he totally gets it a year later. There are those who may never come around, but they're probably the kind of people who may hold a grudge about something else anyway.

Hang in there! I remember where I was with this mentally a year ago. It gets better!