
Not a fun topic, but necessary I know. We've had our share dealing with parents/family and their reactions to homeschooling - I won't give you the anecdotes as I don't want to get *my* blood pressure up remembering them. I posted a bit on this on your thread about your bad first day.

An article on socialization that I really like is:

However, in general, the Hoagie's article is *really* good overall.

Honestly, though, I don't have any "tricks" on this. The proof is in the pudding, quite literally here. If family can't see the change in your DS, then there's little liklihood they will change their perspective. If that's the case, well it's not really their business anyway and I wouldn't discuss it with them.

It never hurts to vent, though!

Oh, and be glad you have a son. Not once, but THREE times, I've had people ask me "What about the prom?" LOL! Guess that's the pinnacle of public education in America these days!

~ Mingo and 9yo dd