I read the no early entry rule on the state site, and it was confirmed by my area public school principal. I have e-mailed the gifted education office in our state, but have not received a response. I feel like everyone thinks I am exaggerating when I discuss how bright my little girl is. The local principal actually said-"every parent thinks they have a genius, but more often than not, this is not the case". I was not implying by any means that my child is a genius- but she is very bright.I was simply looking for a way to measure her ability. But, alas- my questions remain questions. Perhaps I do not know the right questions to ask. All I know is in all the years I have been around children, even my 2 that are grown with kids of their own, I have yet to be as impressed as with the intellect of this child. Should I just let it be and throw her to the wolves?
Private school is out of the question for us- we simply cannot afford it.