Good Evening All-
I have come to this site with great hopes of advice and guidance from those of you who have been blessed with a gifted child. I have a 3 yr.10 month old little girl. I have researched until my eyes hurt, and still do not know where to turn for help. Every set of guidelines I have examined shows her to be exceptional. Whether she is actually gifted, I do not know. I can tell you all that at 14 months, she had a 200 word vocabulary, and by age 2 could identify the presidents, all of them. There are no local resources where I live, and early entrance to kindergarten is prohibited by law here. She will be almost 6 by the time she could start kinder, and at the rate she is progressing will be at 4th grade level by then. Where do I start? Any and all help will be appreciated more than I can say.