I think she has lost completely her self-confidence and thinks everything is so difficult
I think that's what we've got happening too, at least in part.

I had a talk with the psychologist, who is as mystified as we are. I'm not sure if this makes me feel better (for not feeling inadequate on my own) or worse (because she doesn't have a three-step solution). We're taking him to see her again next week to see if she can get some info.

She's also suggested I go to a parent seminar next month. I think I've done enough reading to be pretty up to speed with most of the sessions, but she suggests I use it as an opportunity to get specific info out of the presenters in between times. And I'd be interested in hearing Miraca Gross in person, having read so much of her stuff.

DS7, my insanity-inducing child, took a bag of school uniforms for show and tell. Uniforms from the magnet school that we didn't go to in the end because of his agony of misery at the idea.