Originally Posted by onthegomom
I could use some insight....
My DD6 is very pretty and since she was a baby she literally stops people in their tracks to admire her beauty. Lots of people want to touche her hair and don't even mention my son standing there. It's all a bit too much. She has a wonderful personality and I try to reminder her that its so nice to look pretty but it is the inside stuff that counts. I'll tell people she is twice as pretty on the inside. Well she has always been ahead but not like her brother. So she gets noticed for beauty and he gets noticed for brains. I do try to credit her for being a good student and hard worker.

Because I want to keep her grounded. I've been holding back on the modeling or acting. She seems to be born for the stage in some ways. She was narrator in her school play last year and did a great job. She says she has no stage freight and comforts the others. She loves to sing and dance. She reads stories like an adult with lots of expression.

Well, I'm probally over thinking this a bit but... if anyone would like to comment that would be nice.

We have the SAME issue... but DD3.5 was in her first pagaent earlier this summer. She placed 1st runner up... and was such a ham. It wasn't one of those toddler & tiaras one (they got disqualified for makeup, etc), and all the girls got a trophy, but she really enjoyed it. We have her in dance and we're going to put her in singing lessons (her choice - she loves to sing) soon. I won't go crazy searching for opportunities, and I make sure to keep her involved with other activities that aren't "beauty" based (dancing, singing & acting all take talent to be successful). I think it's important to let her know physical beauty isn't the only thing that makes her beautiful, BUT that she should never be ashamed of how physically beautiful she is.