Originally Posted by sittin pretty
I'm sorry that I don't have anything constructive to add but I am curious to hear any techniques. I have two boys who talk non-stop too -even in their sleep!

Reminds me of when DH and I first got married. He reported that I talk in my sleep. Then he wise-cracked that he isn't sure why that surprises him. Apparently he feels that I talk a lot. I also sing and hum. I guess that is a form of Motor OverExcitability. I just wish I could loose weight from all that motor activity.

Anyway. I have no good ideas, but do try teaching him to touch type. See if they will let him text message to a journal during school hours. My grandfather taught me a fingerspelling alphabet, and that was fun for focused wiggling. I've heard that Extroverts talk to find out what they think. LOL, that sounds like me.

about 25% of the time, when i'm posting here, I have no idea what I'm going to say, and when my fingers clack the keyboard, I'm very thrilled at what comes out! Always nice to be suprised!

good luck, actually, I think that DS's self control clicked in at age 10. He learned to whistle on his 9th birthday, and kept it up nonstop for the whole year. Inhale and exhale.


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