Just had to share....(I can't remember who recommended it to me but)....I just finished the most amazing book that just came out called "the new Global Student...Skip the SAT, save thousands on tuition, and get a truly International Education" by Maya Frost - it's about a famiy that escaped all the stress of AP, SAT, college applications, running the rat race of highschool - they pulled their 3 teenagers out of highschool and sold everything and just left the country - the mom wrote the book to help other families realize that there is a way to get an amazing well rounded education outside of the US and then come back with well rounded, world traveled young people who have had an opportunity to travel abroad, have a universal outlook about people and places and events happening around the world...they also explain other options instead of AP...the use of enrolling in community college classes with dual enrollment... this book was just packed with amazing information and she was an excellent write...I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking at out of the box children and other options for education :-) My family has honestly been looking at other options in a few ears outside of the US...my father just left the country 2 years ago and they are now citizens of New Zealand and love it. :-)