We did a social preschool, a Montessori school with the same problems you are mentioning, and the public school with one skip. None of those were the right choice for us. We now do a partial day where my DD9 goes to public for ELA, music, and spanish, and homeschools for math, science, history, gym and art. My younger kids are exclusively homeschooled for now. You have to find what works for you and your child.

Moving to another country seems drastic and I don't think you would necessarily get a better reception with more choices. I think that everyone here can definately feel your pain. Now you need to sit down and look at all your options and decide what plan to pursue. What do you plan to do? Why is he only in K? What does the public school have to say? What have they tested him with and what were the results?

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader