Wow! I was just thinking the same thing. Recently decided it would be better for everyone if I focused on what I could do rather than try to change the minds of all the MEATHEADS in the PS.
We spent yesterday at an Art Museum where my son learned more than he has in all 100 days of 1st grade. Don't get me started on the stupid 100 day craft project! So for me it seems the nation of HS is the way to go.
On the Montessori - I will say from personal experience - you have to be very careful. There are schools out there that call themselves Montessori but are #1 not certified (don't have to be certified by Montessori to call the school Montessori) and #2 have no concept of child-centered education. My son was reading at 3 when he entered the Montessori. He wanted to read & do the same work as the older Kindergarten kids in his class. The teacher would not allow him to access the older kid's books or materials until he completed (not just demonstrate proficiency) each step of their curriculum! They had a rigid curriculum from the local PS that they were using. Even at 3 my son was asking why he had to do worksheets if he already knew how to read.
Too bad there are not more Sudbury Schools in this country. I hear so many wonderful things about the Sudbury Method.

Last edited by FrustratedNJMOM; 02/17/09 09:09 AM.