I've personally noticed that milestone wise, DS5 reached the "did he just do that?" ones way early... whereas, DD3 didn't. But DD3, who we obviously and stupidly thought was our normal kid, is showing us each day that she is ahead of the norm and her big brother in other areas. Now this may not show us that she is gifted by test scores (and we still haven't had DS tested officially), but she is definitely more than just normal. And looking back, I'm the first born, easily labeled as gifted, and my brother (only 2 of us) was labeled as "normal"... yet as an adult, you can see that he is a lot brighter than "normal" and not just "smart", which is obviously different than bright or gifted. I think personality plays a huge role as well as the whole birth order, time alone with parents to "work on things", etc...

For those of you with perfectionists and non-perfectionists, which order are they? DS5 is the perfectionist (child #1 obviously), and DD3 is so not. I would think that parents would recognize giftedness in the perfectionist before the non-perfectionist too... thoughts?