I think that in families where the children are full siblings, if one child is gifted and another seems not-so-gifted then additional testing needs to be done with the "nongifed" one to determine if there is a learning problem. I have two boys, one who is 2E/HG+ and the other who is just HG+. When my older boy was in 1st grade you would have thought he was not just not gifted, but, frankly, he seemed developmentally disabled much of the time. Many evaluations and lots of remediation later, lo and behold, he's HG+ with dyslexia and ADHD. His academic performance prior to all of this was *average* and that was *just fine* with the school. So to anyone who has genetically related kids with seemingly widely ranging intelligence, unless there is some sort of logical explanation, please look further to be sure that your child is not struggling with some sort of "stealth" learning disability.