Boy, great question!!!

We are lucky (or not so lucky) to have recently attended a social skills training course for boys and parents - learning about communication skills etc. This has for the moment brought us much more onto the same page, but I realize this is impractical for most folks.

Perhaps reading a few parenting books together (even getting double copies) might start you down a more unified path. I think less controversial ones to start wink

Or, if you're researching giftedness right now, sharing some of what you're reading on a regular basis could help, websites, books, etc.

I'm from the school of thought that, although a couple works to be a team and bring different perspectives to problems, in the end one person probably is going to have to make the call on some stuff. Sharing info can help bring those perspectives more in line however.

Last edited by chris1234; 08/02/09 01:49 PM.