thanks so much for the great comments. I don't plan on using the word "gifted" yet with him....but will need to mention it eventually as he is going to hear it. I just want ways of him understanding what is different about him. We have had talks before about how everyone's brains are different and everyone has different strengths. I think it will be helpful when we find more weaknesses for him. He does want to do T-Ball and other sports, but seems pretty good at those too. Although I don't think he is overly skilled in those areas or anything. I do appreciate when people know more about certain subjects than he does. I like that story Shari about your son talking about different strengths. So far he has never told anyone that he is smart, or been rude about it at all. He does know that he has a lot of strengths, but thankfully knows that everyone does and doesn't think he is any different or better. I just worry that the more people react to how different he is, the more he will start to think it and may need more answers. I think we will continue to say those same things and then as he gets older the conversations will change a little. I just don't want him to ever think that something is wrong with him.