This is actually something I've been wondering about. DS(almost)5 is used to playing with 7 year olds and now about to start 1st graders. He's getting a grade skip to 1st at the semester (starting K-1 in an Independent Study program). I've done my best to shield him from feeling different for as long as I can. The kids don't care and our adult friends take him and his brother as they are, it's the other adults that tend to be an issue. I'm afraid that he will try to dumb himself down if he realizes that he is as different as he actually is. I just don't really know how to bring it up/explain it.

My parents never really explained any of it to me, just told me I was smart. I mean my dad and I almost joined up with Mensa and I just thought it was a club for smart people. I never really grasped the real difference until I was older and it would have saved me a whole lot of grief if I had known that I LITERALLY think differently than most people. I just don't know how or even when to try to explain this to DS...