
Your DS is so much like mine! When DS6 was 5, he went through a period of spouting off. Told everyone how smart he was etc, it got really annoying.... This is how we fixed it. We signed him up for T-Ball. He was awful and he hated it! But it was the "smack in the face" that he needed to realize that everyone has their own strengths. There was 2 little boys on the team that were very good and bragged mercilessly. It drove DS crazy but it proved a point.

Now at 6, he's taking karate and he's not very good at that either. But when I refused to let him quit he buckled down and it's been really good for him. He has to work hard to get it right. We've had problems with DS and the little perfectionist bug many times. If things got hard, he'd quit. Since starting karate, he is beginning to learn the value of perservering and it shows in his willingness to try new things and not be so quick to walk away when things get tough.

About a month ago, a friends child who is 10 heard us talking about DS starting 4th grade this fall. He asked DS how he could be "that smart"? DS replied that it was just the way his brain works and he was willing to bet the other kid could hit a baseball. The other boy said "so what?" to which DS replied "we're all good at different things, I can't hit a baseball". That seemed to make everything all right in the boys mind and they happily went back to their game.

Last edited by BWBShari; 07/27/09 03:22 PM.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!