Yes, I would definitely have him seen by a pro, the statements about dying and death are not good.
Our ds9 was diagnosed with depression at the tender age of 8, and it was a complete shock, but now that we have a direction and path to take (and some explanation for some of the distracted, foggy-headed behavior, and the over-the-top reactions) we are in a much better place, as is he, already.
We have a couple different therapy things in place for now and will continue to move towards getting him in a happier place. It just breaks my heart when his response to a small argument amongst him and his cousins results in him running into his room and saying later that 'it's like dementors are following me around'. Not good.
Reasons not to wait: depression can be recurring, kids get better faster with help (possibly down to a few months), the quicker they get help/recover, the less likely these thoughts/feelings are to become 'part of their personality'. ( According to our psychologist, kids this age don't usually hurt themselves, but obviously that means sometimes they do frown )

Not trying to diagnose your ds, but recommending you have him checked out.

(dementors are the creatures in Harry Potter that suck all the happiness out of a person, right before they suck out your soul altogether, for anyone not having read H.P.)

Last edited by chris1234; 07/21/09 03:37 AM.