Hi all,
It's been awhile since my last post. My DS7 finished�1st grade at out PS and will be attending private school for 2nd. I'm more confident than ever that this school, with a reputation for serving gifties, will be a good fit. Fingers crossed! My son was bullied throughout 1st grade (physical & verbal) while the school staff did nothing except blame the victim. This left my son with some self-esteem issues. I'm just furious with the school - especially the principal and guidance counselor. Anyway there are many details to this unfortunate story but I'm going to get right to my current concerns. During summer break my son has made some disturbing statements about wanting to die. He said these things when he thought he might be in trouble. For example, he punched another child and then came to me and told on himself. He had his hands around his neck - squeezing and then said he wanted to end it all. He's VERY dramatic in general. He then confessed that he felt really bad about himself for hitting this other kid bc he knows it's wrong. Now this is the first time my son EVER retaliated or even hit another child. And truthfully the other kid had it coming. My son is normally very passive. He did hit me once this spring which came as a complete shock. He's very angry all of the sudden and frankly I don't blame him. I blame myself for keeping him in that school.
Today he had a verbal dispute (these now happen daily which was never the case - he was so easy going) with another child and then he began punching himself in the head and face. He said he was punishing himself for being a jerk! We don't hit him! Why would he do this? He looked me straight in the eye and said he felt bad about himself.
My girlfriend thinks he's smart enough and dramatic enough that he's doing this to avoid getting in trouble with me - his way of distracting me from the issue. I'm not sure. I do know that that bullying experience had a profound negative effect. Now when he plays with other children he melts down over the smallest disagreement. He was never like this before.
So should I have him seen by a professional? Talk to our pediatrician? Wait and watch? My DH thinks he'll outgrow it and that he's just being dramatic. I'm concerned this behavior will get worse and he'll act out at his new school and get dismissed - or do something God forbid worse...
BTW - he was screened at 4 and does not have Asperger's or any other neurological disorder - just a really high IQ.
I look forward to your advice as I'm really struggling here. Thanks.

Last edited by FrustratedNJMOM; 07/20/09 08:55 PM.