You know that I'm an OT. I am horrified to hear that you were told it was "too late" for OT to have an impact. I have worked with many 10-13 year olds who made great progress in skills like handwriting using a combination of sensory integrative based therapy (which focuses completely on the functioning of sensory processing systems, including vestibular and proprioceptive, as the foundation for praxis and skills like handwriting) and either Therapeutic Listening and/or Interactive Metronome. I strongly urge you to check the websites and see if you can find a provider near you.
Therapeutic Listening: www.vitallinks.net
Interactive Metronome: www.interactivemetronome.com

Neither OT or PT can "fix" the dyspraxia but the right therapy can and will make a difference even at the ripe "old" age of 11. You just need to find the right OT and the funding for it. I don't remember where you live, but check for a local Center for Independent Living to help you with resources for funding if you can't get the therapy covered under insurance.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like.